Padma Karpo Translations
This is the shop for the Padma Karpo Translation Committee (PKTC). It features a wide array of materials for those intent on studying the Buddhist tradition: books, translations, dictionaries, Tibetan software, and Tibetan fonts. There are many translations of the key texts of the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions, especially on the topics of Dzogchen and Mahamudra. To read about and purchase them, use the products link at the top of the page or the button just below. We also specialize in Tibetan dictionaries, including the Illuminator Dictionary, which is widely regarded as the best Tibetan-English dictionary available.
The picture to the right is of a wall mural at Dzogchen Monastery, Tibet, where Lama Tony, the founder of PKTC, spent several summers receiving extensive teachings in Tibetan on Buddhism in general and Dzogchen in particular. The image is of Nagarjuna, a great Indian Buddhist master and scholar.

Samantabhadra's Prayer with Commentaries, Volume I
A Juggernaut of the Non-Dual View
This book features fresh translations of Samantabhadra's prayer and the sutra from which it is derived, and in-depth explanations of the prayer, supported by commentaries by Nagarjuna, Tenpa’i Wangchuk, and many other early masters of the Indian tradition and top translators of the Tibetan tradition. There is a very long introduction that covers all aspects of the prayer. The book comes in two volumes; this is the first volume and the second volume is also available in this shop. The translation of the prayer is a fresh translation that relies on the commentaries of several early Indian masters and some of the great early Tibetan translators to give a very exacting translation. Ample footnotes clarify many points of how the words of the prayer should be understood. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.
This book contains teachings on the ultimate given by the second Drukchen, Gyalwang Je, with an emphasis on Other Emptiness, the view of the teachings of the Kagyu, and material from the Kalachakra system. extensive introduction with explanations of how Other Emptiness is the view of the Kagyu tradition, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.
Samantabhadra's Prayer with Commentaries, Volume II
Dzogchen Foremost Instructions, "A Garland of Views"
This book features fresh translations of Samantabhadra's prayer and the sutra from which it is derived, and in-depth explanations of the prayer, supported by commentaries by Nagarjuna and many other early masters of the Indian tradition and top translators of the Tibetan tradition. There is a very long introduction that covers all aspects of the prayer. The book comes in two volumes; this is the second volume and the first volume is also available in this shop. The translation of the prayer is a fresh translation that relies on the commentaries of several early Indian masters and some of the great early Tibetan translators to give a very exacting translation.
This volume features a commentary by the contemporary Tibetan Dzogchen master Tenpa'i Wangchug, that gives many practical details for the use of the sutra. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.
This books centres on a very famous teaching given by Padmasambhava, on how to understand the nine levels of view set out in the Guhyagarbha Tantra, the root tantra of Mahayoga. Longchen Rabjam's explanation of the relevant portion of the tantra, and Ju Miphams major commentary on Padmasambhava's teaching are also provided to clarify the original teaching, which is quite terse. Padmasambhava's teaching includes a great deal of Dzogchen instruction. Extensive introduction that clarifies many difficult points, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.
Relics of Dharmakaya by Ontrul Tenpa'i Wangchuk
The Lion's Roar of the Ultimate Non-Dual Buddha Nature
This book features a text that has a very detailed explanation of Garab Dorje's teaching called "The Three Lines that Strike the Key Points". The text is by Ontrul Tenpa’i Wangchuk, one of the great Dzogchen masters of Tibet. The text gives an unusually clear and detailed explanation of the Dzogchen practice of Thorough Cut (Thregcho). Therefore, it is strongly recommended reading for all practitioners of Dzogchen Thorough Cut (Tregcho). Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.
Features a text by Ju Mipham Namgyal that explains sugata essence (sugatagarbha or buddha nature) and how it should be understood according to the Nyingma view. In it, he refutes the Gelugpa approach. There is a companion text, "The Lion's Roar that Proclaims Other Emptiness", which is also available in this store. Introduction, translations, ample footnotes, glossary, and book design by Tony Duff.